

The Journey Begins …

May 29, 1960
The first Presbyterian Worship Service is held at Parkside Public School with 58 adults and children in attendance.

September 25, 1960
New congregation officially established in south Ajax and known as Ajax Presbyterian Church, with 44 Charter Members and Mr. Peter Gilbert appointed as Student Minister.

January 26, 1962
Building Committee formed to begin plans to conduct new church sanctuary on Burcher Road.

May 1, 1962
New name, St. Timothy’s Presbyterian Church, is selected by congregation.

September 15, 1963
Dedication of new church building with The Rev. Frank Conkey appointed as Minister (St. Timothy’s a 2 point charge with St. Andrew’s in Pickering Village).

Today, St. Timothy’s Presbyterian Church, Ajax is under the care of Presbytery of Pickering within the Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC).  We are a vibrant and growing congregation, dedicated to serving our risen Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and sharing His good news of hope, love, redemption and truth in the community.



What We Believe

We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the Word of God and the only infallible rule of faith and manners. We also receive as its principal subordinate standard, the Westminster Confession of Faith and Living Faith. We also acknowledge: that Christ Jesus, our Lord, as the Head of his Church, has appointed its constitution, laws, ordinances and offices; that its government and discipline are to be administered according to his will as revealed in Holy Scripture, and Living Faith.  We believe in the Holy Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit.  As Christians, we believe that by God’s grace, God unconditionally loves us so much that He came in the flesh (John 1:1-5) in His one and only Son, Jesus Christ to live amongst us, die for our sins, and rose from the grave to conquer sin and death once and for all.  Jesus came not to condemn the world, but to save it!  As such, we confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour.  We also believe that God sent the Holy Spirit as His helper, to guide us to live more like Jesus Christ everyday until Jesus Christ’s second coming.  To our triune God be the glory, now and forever!  Amen!


Jesus Christ loved us first and we are happy to share this love with you!  It is out of this immense and overwhelming love and joy through our relationship with Jesus Christ that we share with the community.  No matter who you are or where you came from, God loves you!  We would also love to meet you and connect with you.  Together, with Jesus Christ at our head, we are family!



We of St. Timothy’s, as part of God’s Family, gather together in the love of Christ to worship God and to celebrate, with joy and thanksgiving, our faith in a caring, responsive and loving way.  As individuals, we are willing to reach out with our gifts, talents and time to those around us as we share God’s love through our actions and our words.



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