General Information

St. Timothy’s Sunday School
We have had a good response regarding new Sunday School teachers. It looks like we will be able to have a few people sharing the load but we can always use more.  Additional volunteer staff are needed. Under the Leading With Care Policy, there should be a minimum of two responsible persons with the children during the Sunday School classes. There is a two or three week rotating schedule so that the staff can join in the Sunday Worship services as much as possible. Contact Susan Rae-Burn Gibson or Ann Hopkins for further information.

St. Timothy’s Outreach Committee
More people are needed. To help, contact Norm Terry or June Stevenson.

Video Help Needed
Would you be willing to help out on an occasional basis in videotaping a Sunday morning Worship service, a Wedding or a Memorial service? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please see or contact Lewis Holmes at 416-684-8307 for further information.

PAR Update
Currently, there are 34 PAR Subscribers and in addition to convenience, it’s very encouraging to know that there will be a steady stream of funds coming in throughout the year to help St Timothy’s meet its financial obligations. Thanks to all those who are current subscribers and for those who are thinking of becoming subscribers. This short note will serve as a reminder that, if possible, your PAR donation can be increased (or decreased or stopped) at any time by notifying the PAR administrator.   John Hall, PAR Administrator

Boston Pizza
Thank you to everyone who dined at Boston Pizza in Ajax.  The incentive program provides food credit to St. Timothys to be used in any way the Church wishes (for food only) For more information please contact John Hall.   This program is ongoing.

Session Decision
It was moved and seconded by Session that we put a policy in place with respect to any designated memorial fund donation that it be used at the discretion of the Session and there should always be an agreed amount set aside to purchase a physical memorial in memory of the donor.

ST Timothy’s Ladies Guild
We’re still meeting, but on hold due to COVID19